Sunday, May 31, 2009

From Jamaican Hip-Hopper to Orthodox Jew

I really dislike the racism that seems to permeate the orthodox Jewish community. Where does this nasty bigotry come from? I sat down at a shabbos table Friday night at which an African-American Jewish woman was also a guest. If there were dozens of young men and women like her in our community, would their presence change attitudes? I hope they would. And it's sad that a sea change of that caliber would be required. A young black man joined my morning shiur (class) a few times earlier this year. I've heard some pretty nasty racist comments from rabbis, and I wonder how they would react if this young man--not someone I know, but he seemed nice enough--started davening at their shuls or attending their classes. I suspect they'd be pretty put off. And they shouldn't be. There is no room for racism in halacha, and by that token Judaism is pretty unique. I feel like I need to remind people: racism is not a Jewish value.

Just one comment, Yoseph: I hope you didn't stop rapping! Because that's hardly a halacha violation.

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