Sunday, April 12, 2009

Terminator: The Return of the Time Machine

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Friday 9pm ET/PT
Bartleby Company
Halcyon Productions
Warner Brothers Television

Lots of great stuff in this episode including a couple of heart-to-heart talks between John and Cameron.

Cameron to John on Former Agent Ellison, after Ellison came to their hotel room with a message from Catherine Weaver:

"He upset you?"

"Me? I think he upset you."

"You know that's impossible."

"Is it?"

"You said it yourself, John. I'm just a machine."

After waking up John by sitting on his bed, watching him (Cameron doesn't sleep), Cameron removed her top and showed John how to check to make sure her system was working properly. This made me a little queasy as the action implied (but did not show on-screen) that John cut into Cameron's abdomen and reached inside her metal interior. Ick. Yes, she's a machine. But she doesn't look like one.

The image of Cameron with her human resistance fighters in the future, next to a trusty German shepherd (watchdog of the resistance) was touching. I'm just a little worried the show is going overboard, and of course John of 2009 seeing future John (or "future me," as he refers to himself) compromises the time-space continuum.

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