Sunday, March 1, 2009

Terminator: reality is a nightmare

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Fridays 8pm ET/PT
Bartlesby Productions
Halcyon Productions
Warner Brothers Television
Feb. 27 episode

It was difficult to discern what was real and what was another Sarah Connor nightmare in this episode. I'm sure it resonates with people who suffer from recurring nightmares.

The actress who played Sarah's nurse at the sleep disorder clinic, Julie Ann Emery, performed a masterful job as someone who was deceptively friendly but darkly part of the Skynet conspiracy.

Sarah's comments at the beginning of the show about midnight and the first three hours of the day were particularly chilling.

On another note: Brian Austin Green (whom I affectionately refer to as "the BAG") does not appear in this episode. However, I did notice his transformation from tv camera geek on Beverly Hills 90210 to a very believable resistance military officer, Derek Reese, here on Terminator. And he fathered a child with Vanessa Marcil, star of now-defunct tv show Las Vegas. So that's impressive too.

Nice cheesecake moment at 28:30. Doesn't Cameron have better things to do? Make pancakes. Right.

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