Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dibs: I'm not going to take it anymore

Tuesday, Jan. 20, 0701 hrs, West Rogers Park. I'm late for shacharis at Agudah Israel of West Rogers Park. Not my normal davening house, but there's a bris milah immediately following davening--the nephew of friends of mine. So I want to attend. The parking trick at KINS* when the north parking lot is full is to park on North Shore just east of California, which requires coming down Washtenaw from Pratt since North Shore is one-way westbound. I sit behind a school bus loading children at the school on Washtenaw. Why is a school bus boarding kids at a school in the morning? Odd. Finally I turn on North Shore. No spots east of California, but a beautiful spot just west of KINS--and there is dibs furniture in the space. A pair of folding chairs. I shoveled this spot, and now I own it, say the chairs.

NOTE: placing dibs furniture to hold public parking spaces for personal use is illegal in Chicago. It is also tolerated in Chicago, and the mayor condones the practice. It is selfish and un-neighborly in my humble opinion. According to law, placing personal belongings on public property makes them hefker--ownerless. Anyone is free to pick them up.

I am fed up. I turn on Mozart and find an open, dibs-free spot a few spaces down from North Shore. I exit the vehicle through the passenger door (my door doesn't open due to snowbank) and walk to KINS. On my way, I glare at those folding chairs and imagine depositing them next to the KINS garbage bins. Does the space "owner" realize how selfish he is?

Mazel tov! The boy's name is Yosef Shragga Knopf. Moshe's New York Kosher catered the breakfast. Fred Eckhouse Photography. Outstanding.

*the large shul building in which Agudah Israel is located.

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