Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sprint - the most advanced wireless carrier

Has anyone else had this problem? I logged on to my account at sprint.com to see my account balance. No luck. It's especially frustrating when I log on and there's no evidence that I logged on. There's still a pair of username/password sign-on boxes sitting there. So I called. She asks me my favorite hobby. Is she interested in dating? No, that's a challenge question. I have no idea what I said. So she says she sent me a text message to my phone, and she wants me to read the code to her. Never received it. Wasted 20 cents sending my own test message from sprint.com. Came through immediately. So 15 minutes later, she did set up my account so I can see my balance online. Isn't that the most basic information for online account management? Why was that so difficult? And she said my balance didn't show because I have a credit balance. What a lame excuse. Memo to Sprint: cute logo. Fix your website.

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