Tuesday, November 18, 2008

FB should fix this

It’s difficult to tell when someone denies a Friend request. Obviously, it’s not appropriate for the Profile or News Feed announcement—how embarrassing! But it should show up as a private Notification because it’s better to know than be kept in the dark. Sometimes people sit on the requests for weeks (still waiting, Jim) and others reply right away. Also, there should be an option for “reason for rejection.” I’m going to use “Shira Stein” as an example. I just made up that name.
“Shira Stein rejected your Friend request because she doesn’t know who the hell you are.”
“Shira Stein rejected your Friend request because she thinks you want to date her, and she’s SO not interested.”
“Shira Stein rejected your Friend request because she didn’t like you back in high school/college, and doesn’t see why she should be your Friend now.”
“Shira Stein rejected your Friend request because she didn’t like the (wall/info/photos) part of your profile.”
FB should also offer the option of adding something snarky like “Beeyotch.”
The unkindest cut of all, of course, is being un-Friended (de-Friended?) after being Friends with someone. There should be an explanation with that, too, although it’s often obvious to the Un-Friendee.

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